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Lions & Lambs

the Month of Expectation

March 1, 2021

The time of year between the end of February beginning of March has never been a season that resonated with me fully. It reminds me of dirty snow and gray days (which the latter I’ve come to love ) Aside from the nostalgia I get from remembering the elementary school poems predicting if March would come in like a lion or lamb, I’ve judged this time of year as unnecessary and always tried to hurry my way through it.

I’ve grown to see how important every season is and how they all play a role in the cycle of life. Especially this time of year...dirty snow and all. March packs a lot of punch and I was pleasantly surprised at my findings.
In the days of Rome, March was the first month of the year. It was the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring ; makes sense that this would be the start of the New Year. (Strange that we don’t continue to believe this way).
March is named after Mars, the Roman God of war. Before Mars became a warlord, he was an agricultural and fertility deity. He oversaw the new growth of Spring and supported the fertilization of humans and animals (to put it plainly - lots of sex) in order to continue life.
The biblical book of Esther also mentions this time of year. It is known as Adar (which is from about Feb 14-March 14) on the Jewish calendar. This was the time of year when Haman a vizier of King Ahasuerus was plotting his revenge against Mordecai and the Jews, (Esther chapter 3:3-5 ) and is mentioned again later in the book when his plan was thwarted. (Esther 8; 9-11).
Side note: The book of Esther is one of my top 3 favorite books of the Bible. I highly suggest it. Great read. And it’s short.
Also the astrological New Year begins on the 21st of March. The 21st is a cusp day when the sun is in both Pisces and Aries. Just like March is both in Winter and Spring!
I could keep going, there’s a lot more fun facts about March I came across, but these 3 were my favorites. All in all March seems to be a month of long awaited endings and the start of beginnings bright, young, and new.
It is a completion of a full cycle of life. A time when winter slinks back into its cave and spring begins, urging all of nature to wake up from its slumber. It is a time for victory and reversals, a time when old things pass away and new things spring forth.
March is when the supernatural meets the natural and brings forth that thing that you’ve been waiting on for so long.
Whether your March begins or ends like a lion, or comes and goes like a lamb, I pray that you hold fast onto that thing in which you hope for and your faith remains strong.
And as we approach the year mark of this whole lockdown mess I think these are themes we can all get behind.
March on.