Venus Transits Taurus

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus. This planet rules beauty, good food, great sex, art, wealth, elegance. In other words this season is all about all things that can be enjoyed by the senses. Now that it’s home, the planet of love will promote all these things in abundance.
From April 14-May 8th Venus will do her mighty work exposing the heart of creation, bringing forth whatever was deep within to the surface.
Now I am all about the physicality of the senses - I love fashion, a fancy dinner, and I love, love. However when taken out of context, these things can become snares that trap us instead of serving as a natural expression of freedom.
Beauty, abundance, love, luxury, sex, etc. come from God. As God's creations, we can (and should) enjoy all he has to offer. He made them for that purpose. This enjoyment should be an outward expression of the time and work put in with Him, and not garments we put on to hide what’s really going on inside.
“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
1 Peter 3:3-4
This verse was often used to control the dress code in places of worship I attended. Regardless if you’re covering it up or showing it off this verse teaches that True beauty comes from the inner work that happens when you fall in line with the Will and timing of the Creator. It happens much like the inner workings of nature. We don’t see what happens to a seed once it begins it's growing process. It just grows with the flow and blooms when it’s time.
With the end of Aries season transitioning into Taurus the earth always brings forth the inner workings of the past seasons. During this transit, just like the earth, seeds that were planted within your eternal garden will began to show form.
What I’m saying is this :
“The LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7”
In the Bible a woman named Rahab was a prostitute who is noted among the giants of faith. (Hebrews 11:31..also read her full story in the book of Judges chapter 2 I believe ) In our time we were privileged to see the life and sadly, recent passing of another giant of faith. DMX was an orphaned hip hop star who prayed with the conviction of the Lord God deeper than most pastors now. Every album, every concert, every encounter with fans and fellow artists, Earl Simmons brought forth the love, passion, and power of Jesus Christ.
A lot of people want to speculate about Earl's personal life, and I'm sure folks were dissecting and had a lot to say about Rahab in her time.
But God is the beholder. And what He deems beautiful will bring forth it’s blossoms in due season.
And with Venus in Taurus tis the season. ♉️