New Moon In Cancer
July 9th, 2021 @ 9:16 PM ET

When the sun and moon form a conjunction a New moon cycle is at hand. On July 9th at 9:16 PM, a new cycle begins in the current sign of Cancer.
There’s a few angles to this particular New Moon... let's get into it.
First, a conjunction is defined as “two separate points in the solar system that unite and blend their energies together.”
When the sun (which represents our ego and identity) and the moon (which represents our emotions) unite and blend, those energies are also uniting and blending within us. This creates a natural reset bringing us back into balance.
This blending is happening in the sign of Cancer - the great nurturer. The mother of the zodiac. Highly intuitive, sensitive and sentimental Cancer season has us in our feels. Good or bad we have to sit with our emotions for a period of time and just feel what we feel. However, we need to do this in a rational way. It’s not easy sitting with and thinking through how you feel, but the nurturing nature of Cancer season is there to give us a little help.
Cancer is also one of 4 Cardinal signs. A cardinal sign exemplifies the most pure unadulterated characteristics of any element. Cancer then is considered the most “quintessential of the water signs”. The feelings that you feel are most likely more heightened during this time, but don’t panic. It’s all apart of the process.
Remember you’re not crazy, you're just in Cancer season.
On July 9th we'll also see the New Moon forming a sextile with Uranus. A sextile is an angle between planets that are 60 degrees from each other. When used in the realm of astrology, a sextile is a kind of flirty, yin/yang aspect between signs. Typically it’s a friendly aspect and makes the energies pleasant. Uranus symbolizes strongly individualistic and rebellious energies, and is perfect for shaking up the mundane.
Uranus also represents the number 4, and Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac! This isn’t a coincidence as 4 is the number of order and foundation. Any foundation with a weakness cant support anything great- or anything at all for that matter. Uranus is here to test that, BUT in the friendliest way possible.
This new moon in Cancer season is here to realign our head and heart, encouraging us to feel how we feel but act on what is actually facts.
You may be mad at someone, but you know you should talk to them. You may really like a person, but you know you have to move on. Or maybe it’s a job - it’s comfortable, the pay is dependable, i'ts what you're used to, or it's easy. However you know in your heart you have to move on.
It’s hard to move on when the next step is uncertain. It’s scary and we’re human. We like to know it’s going to be ok before we actually do "the thing".
Faith combats all of that. The Bible says :
For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
These verses are saying that you don’t need to have all the answers or to understand it all. You don’t even need to be fearless, but when you step out on faith God will always honor his word.
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Use this energy to maneuver through the raw and pure emotion you feel while acting upon the facts of your situation. The friendly shakeup that ensures will prove to be the new beginning you were hoping for, and set you upon a foundation that can withstand anything.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6